Our Story
With sea levels rising, with glaciers melting, our environment is endangered. If we don't act now, situations will only aggravate.
As a youth-founded non-profit, Green4Tomorrow is dedicated to advancing environmental protection and sustainability. We base our work in 3 pillars: advocacy, education, execution. Through our uniquely crafted initiatives, we aim to not only explore the many ways of putting sustainability into practice but to also educate and inspire more to join our league.
Green4Tomorrow 是由一群青年創立的非營利組織,致力於促進環境保護和永續發展。其中,「倡議、教育、實踐」是我們行動企劃的核心。透過各式活動專案,我們希望在探索如何實踐永續的同時,讓更多人認識環境永續的重要性與急迫性,並號召更多心力加入我們的行列,為環境保護及永續發展付諸實踐。
The future is shaped in the moment of every change, in the hands of you and me. Join us to protect our environment and make a difference!